Thursday, June 5, 2008

Maison Simsion, Les Morats, Tramayes

Tramayes is close to Cluny in Burgundy. It is a fairly small town, arranged in little hamlets. The hamlet that la Maison Simsion was located in was Les Morats. The town center has a tourism office, as well as a lovely bakery, a good butcher, an ATM, and a 8 a Huit (a convenience store French style which is a far cry from our 7-11s!) On the single lane road to Les Morats, there were many happy cows and bees (the beekeeper next door made the most amazing honey which Jim fell in love with while in Tramayes.) There were also irises everywhere. The countryside is incredibly hilly and there were amazing views everywhere, even though it was cloudy and approaching the evening hour when we arrived.

1 comment:

miguelito said...

"the most amazing honey which Jim fell in love with"

OK. Clearly the Jim you traveled with is a clone placed there by aliens. I thought gPops only liked hotsauce.

Next thing you'll tell me that Jim prefers tea over beer and cucumber sandwiches over ribs. shudder