Monday, June 29, 2009

The Life Cycle of the Rhododendron Flower

The seconds, minutes and days have flown since my last post - enough to have seen the entire life cycle of a Rhododendron flower. We have gone from the crocuses, violets and tulips of early spring, to the lilacs and irises right to the daisies, poppies, peonies, rock (and other) roses and brown-eyed susans of early summer.

My first child turned 30 - and will have her first child in the next few months. We are looking forward with great expectation to the coming visit of Miguel, Aurelia and Sylvia (over 1 year old now!) Jaime is preparing for her next great adventure, graduate school in New York City. Bonnie's muzzle is graying, along with the gMom and gPop's hair. All part of the great and endless cycle of life.

Speaking of the ebbs and flows of time - as many of our work colleagues are forced from their jobs and leave, interesting items emerge from the debris of past times. Here's a shot of the gPop circa 1975 from a notebook of employee photographs!


MamaJoy said...

Wow! Does that picture look like Ian or what? I've never seen Jim sans beard so I guess I never realized how much they look alike.

miguelito said...

Wow! Pops! Sweet hairdo. But I'm glad he's moved on a bought a new style of eye glasses, not! (At he doesn't wear wallabees anymore). Come to think of it, all his gear is now hip again. Sylvia will probably want a pair of wallabees too.

Weezie said...

UMMMMM - he has a pair of Wallabees again!!!