Ciel and Jared took their carefully packed "labor bag" and amid great excitement left for Mt. Auburn Hospital shortly before midnight. Aunt-to-be Jaime was on her way back from New York City to welcome the new baby. gMom-to-be-for-the-second-time began reading The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown to await the happy news, and the dogs bounced around throughout the night. Around 6 am we heard the news: Mason Asher Klein had arrived at 4:42, weighing a healthy 8 1/2 lbs and measuring 21 inches!
Although the name Mason was on the "short list" of boys' names, it was ironic that I was reading "The Lost Symbol" while Mason was being born, as it was filled with Masonic history and lore. In fact, Mason's great-great-grandparents on the Hadden side were members of the Masons and Eastern Star! A very fitting name.

A cast of many grandparents, friends, grandgodfather, new aunt and new uncle arrived to celebrate, which garnered Ciel a single room while at the hospital - and on Sunday, Mason came home to begin a new life with Mom and Dad, his boppy, and Molly the dog! Three great-grandparents and a number of great aunts and uncles celebrated from afar.
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