Last Thursday Cici and I played hooky, compliments of elderhostel.org and Jaime. Jaime, who is a program director at Elderhostel/Road Scholar, arranged for us to join an educational tour of the history of Boston Harbor which had the added enticement of being on a boat.
It's a great way to see Boston, and I really enjoyed the educational aspect. The fact that the day began with a lot of fog just added to the atmosphere.
We emerged from South Station and took a walk past the wonderful milk bottle in front of the Boston Children's Museum.
We left from Moakley Courthouse on the waterfront, scene of a LONG bout of jury duty for Louise a few years back. We saw the Constitution from the water (Jim and I had a very memorable hunger brunch some years ago and were able to board the ship.)
We were regaled with the history of Boston Harbor while viewing the various islands through the fog. A high point was seeing Boston Light in action.
We disembarked on George's Island, which houses Fort Warren. George's Island was a very familiar sight to both Cici and I, as the kids' favorite urban camp usually traveled there during the camp session as a field trip.
We had a lovely lunch catered by the Daily Catch, a restaurant owned by one of Jaime's Cambridge classmates' family.
It was great seeing Fort Warren from a different perspective (i.e. not trying to keep track of three or four active kids!)
The afternoon was over too soon, and it was back to work for us. (sigh!)
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