Our TomTom equipped taxi deposited us safely at Musee D'Orsay, located along the Seine. It is located in a beautiful old train station that is a work of art in itself. Because we had to conquer Paris in a few hours, we had planned our assault carefully, limiting ourselves to the sculptures on the first level and the Impressionist galleries on the fifth level. Still, there was time to look at some amazing artwork OUTSIDE the building!
Here are some views on the first level. If you look carefully you can spot Jim (carefully disguised in an unaccustomed suit coat.) This level is truly awe-inspiring - the original train station must have been absolutely gorgeous.

Note that you can see the Seine in the picture on the right. Although it pained me to leave the first level (there was a gorgeous sculpture of a polar bear I wanted to gaze at) time was short so we headed up to see the Impressionists.
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